3511 Ben St,San Diego,CA3511 Ben St, San Diego, CA 92111

3511 Ben St
San Diego, CA 92111

4 Beds / 2 Baths

Price: $569,000
Sq Ft 1,308
Year Built: 1959

RevestorRent: $301/day
Low: $278
Hi: $387

Status: Off Market
On Revestor: Days

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3511 Ben St San Diego, CA 92111
4 Beds • 2 Baths • 1,308 Sq Ft.
Status off market Off Market
Summary open close
• MLS#
• Year Built 1959
• formally listed by Renovation Realty, Inc.

Public Record

RevestorRent: $301/day
Low: $278
Hi: $387

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